Thank you Alan for all the effort put into finding this info for us.
This subject still has me reeling! Even though I started to drift away 2 years ago, it was for personal family reasons envolving my disbelief in shunning.
I would never have believed until now (starting last year) that this kind of hypocrisy was even possible let alone rumoured about. But the very fact that there are rumours, and suspicions and accusations of gay and molestation activities in an org. that denounces those activities and presents itself and snow-white pure and holy, just makes this so much harder to take. To me, such a thing would never happen to those in the house blessed by God's spirit (much less carry on for years) because, as they preached..."it's condemned by God and we worship God in spirit and truth".
My picture of Bethel and its members was that which they painted for us, of purity, spiritual strength and mature obediance to God's Word...a sharp contrast to the world and in particular, the Catholic religion. Again this was the belief I had taught to me growing up in the 50's and 60's.
And for me, the irony of it is, that my ex-husband and elder, was a former Catholic who read a book written by an ex-priest who exposed these very same kind of activities going on in the Catholic church and this was the turning point for him (my ex) to denounce them and became a JW. I wonder what he, and many others with similar backgrounds, will think now once this info is presented.
The book by the priest didn't give names and dates but was relating his own personal experience and what he heard from others. It was very believable. Hopefully the more these events are made public, the more facts and "eye-witness" accounts will be added to them to substantiate them even more.
To thinkerswife:
I'm glad you added your thoughts on this subject. Your relating of your observations and instincts just adds to believability that these accounts of theses sort of things now being related are possible. The fact that so many, having lived in Bethel or associated with Bethelites, are relating the same experiences, memories, opinions and gut-feelings, knocks down the barrier of dis-belief that I and I'm sure many more like me would have had, given the Bible-thumping we've received denouncing these practices.
I never want to hastily jump on the bandwagon of gullibility and be accused of believing whatever bad I'm told about the org. I too want to be able to substantiate whatever I repeat, as truth, to those who would deny the possibility of this every happening in the org.
The very fact that so many, in different parts of USA and Canada, were at Bethel and the congregations involved during and after the events, and are relating the same kind of details, is enough for me to believe it's credibility, but yes, definite facts will be needed for most die-hard JWs (if they ever will even listen at all)
At least the general public is being made aware of the scars and blemishes on the "picture of purity" that the org. paints of itself.
Had Enough